Kamala mural | BAM!

Kamala Jefferson by Richard Wilson (@richardwilsonartwork), Bronx, NY

DJ Kamala Jefferson – daughter of the famous Black-American jazz musician Carter Jefferson, is the face of this 501 See Streets mural created by British artist Richard Wilson (@richardwilsonartwork). Her voluminous natural dark spirals and eclectic taste in music have captivated the hearts of many, resulting in this mural winning the popular vote in “Music on Walls Artwork of 2017”.

While her famous father was known for playing tenor saxophone for the Temptations, The Supremes and Little Richard, DJ Kamala Jefferson’s diverse musical taste in the mural is represented by carefully handpicked records selected to represent five musical heroes of the Bronx. KRS-One, Hector Lavoe, Louie Vega, Jellybean Benitez, Candido and Tito Puente were her choices. Who would you choose?

455 Jackson Ave
Bronx, NY